Alchemy’s FDA Letter

This week, Alchemy submitted a letter to the FDA sharing our thoughts about the MDMA-assisted therapy proposal. In the letter, we emphasized prioritizing safety and ethics, while highlighting how crucial it is to create additional equitable and accessible PTSD treatment options.

Over the years, several survivors have shared the narratives of harm they experienced with underground MDMA sessions, as well as from experiences related to the clinical trials. The survivors of abuse are important voices in this process. They hold critical lessons learned at a high cost for how harm needs to be reduced related to MDMA-assisted psychotherapy, as well as what risk evaluation and mitigation needs to involve.

Our advocacy for legalization of MDMA is not an endorsement of MAPS or Lykos as organizations, nor are we absolving anyone who has caused harm of the responsibility to meaningfully repair the consequences of their actions. Rather, our advocacy includes holding organizations and people responsible. We believe systems with more oversight and regulation are needed to reduce potential harm while also increasing necessary accountability.

While FDA approval may increase access to some, it will not fully address the impact of the harmful war on drugs. We continue to support efforts towards decriminalization and harm reduction interventions to empower and uplift most impacted communities.


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